

Iris-It's a great time to divide!
Plant cool-season color using snapdraggons, pansies, primroses, chrysanthemums, Iceland poppies and assorted annuals. Plant new shrubs and trees. Sow wildflower seeds now for a spring show. Plant spring-blooming bulbs like tulips, daffodils, hyacinth, narcissus.Transplant and divide crowded perennials. Plant them in another part of your garden or give them away as gifts. You can transplant bulbs, rhizomes, chives, garlic and multiplying onions. Clean out beds. Remove leaves and dead plant material.Mulch beds after the first frost.Cut back shrubs. Remove broken and dead wood. Cover frost sensitive plants.Amend soil.Take care of your trees by watering before a freeze and replacing damaged stakes.Wrap pipes, faucets and sprinkler valves.

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